Early Ejaculation in Men

Early Ejaculation in Men: Understanding, Managing, and Overcoming with Velowat Plus


Early Ejaculation (EE), commonly known as Premature Ejaculation, is a widespread sexual health issue in men, characterized by ejaculation that happens sooner than desired during sexual intercourse. This condition can cause significant distress and affect the quality of sexual life. In this blog, we will explore the nature of EE and introduce Velowat Plus, a product from Shazai Herbal Haven, as a potential solution.

Understanding Early Ejaculation

  1. Definition and Symptoms:
    • EE is defined as ejaculation that occurs very shortly after the onset of sexual activity or before the individual wishes it, typically within one minute of penetration.
    • It can lead to decreased sexual satisfaction and may adversely affect relationships.
  2. Prevalence:
    • EE is one of the most common forms of sexual dysfunction in men.
    • It can affect men of all ages but is especially prevalent among younger men.
  3. Psychological Impact:
    • The condition can lead to feelings of embarrassment, anxiety, and reduced self-esteem.

Causes of Early Ejaculation

Early Ejaculation in Men
PE (Early Ejaculation) in Men
  1. Biological Factors:
    • These may include abnormal hormone levels, certain thyroid conditions, inflammation of the prostate or urethra, and erectile dysfunction.
  2. Psychological Causes:
    • Stress, depression, anxiety, and relationship problems are common psychological factors contributing to EE.

Diagnosis and Treatment

  1. Professional Diagnosis:
    • Diagnosis typically involves medical and sexual history assessment, physical examination, and laboratory tests if needed.
  2. Management Approaches:
    • Behavioral therapy, counseling, and medication are common approaches to managing EE.

Introducing Velowat Plus by Shazai Herbal Haven 

  1. About Velowat Plus:
    • Velowat Plus is a product designed to help manage EE. It is manufactured by Shazai Herbal Haven, a company known for its commitment to natural and effective health solutions.
  2. Herbal Composition:
    • This product is formulated with a blend of natural herbs known for their beneficial effects on sexual health.
  3. Benefits and Usage:
    • Velowat Plus aims to prolong the duration of sexual activity, enhance sexual stamina, and reduce the anxiety associated with EE. It is advisable to use this product under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Another Option is our New Male Sexual Delay Spray

Elevate your intimate moments with our Delay Spray for Men. Designed to combat premature ejaculation, this desensitizing spray enhances comfort and confidence in the bedroom. Achieve longer-lasting and more satisfying experiences, all in a discreet and easy-to-use formula. Don’t let premature ejaculation limit your pleasure – take control and enjoy intimacy to the fullest with our Delay Spray for Men

Lifestyle Modifications and Preventive Measures

  1. Healthy Practices:
    • Regular exercise, stress management, and a balanced diet can support overall sexual health.
  2. Communication and Education:
    • Open communication with partners and understanding sexual responses can be beneficial.


Early Ejaculation is a treatable condition, and products like Velowat Plus from Shazai Herbal Haven offer a natural approach to managing this issue. It’s crucial to understand that EE is a common problem and seeking help is the first step towards improvement. Always consult healthcare professionals before starting any new treatment regimen.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.



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